We Want to Be Part of Your Journey!

Your Partner In Success
You Work on Your Business, While We Work on Your Books
Hey Badass Business Owner! Welcome to BABO Bookkeeping!
(Sorry for the exclamation points, but we are just excited to see another badass in the wild!)
Listen, running a business is hard enough without having to worry about stuff that you just have no passion to do.
The problem is bookkeeping is a necessary evil. You need clean numbers to make informed decisions and let’s face it, you need to know where your money is going!
BABO Bookkeeping started due to two people coming together to take their passion for small business owners and their love to work on numbers and help as many small business owners as possible.
We want you not just to have good books for taxes (which is great to save as much as possible on taxes!) but we want to be here to help you understand your numbers. After all, they are telling the story of your business!
We aren’t your typical bookkeepers. We want to be part of your Success Team!

TAMMY ADAMS Co-Owner BABO Bookkeeping
Hey Badass Business Owner!
(God, I love saying that!) I truly am passionate about my Badass Business Owners!
My name is Tammy and I’m here to help you grow a profitable business!
I started the Be a PROFITABLE Badass Business Owner Podcast back in 2016 and then the YouTube Channel evolved a few years later.
I wanted to share my years of experience not only as a small business owner but my years of training with corporate America on how to run a profitable business.
When I left corporate America in 2008, I quickly realized how hard small business owners worked and how amazing it would be if they had access to the tools they needed to be profitable.
So, I’ve been on a mission since 2010 to help as many small business owners, like yourself, learn their business numbers so they can enjoy the business they have built versus feeling like a slave to the business.
I’ve been reading profit & loss statements for almost 40 years now and love to help folks learn to read what the numbers are telling them about your business so you can make informed decisions.
The first step to having numbers you can really sink your teeth into is to have a good bookkeeping process in place.
Ugh, but who has the time, or even the desire to spend time on this boring task? Especially if you hate math!
I realized I could help take that burden off your shoulders and let you focus on using the numbers to grow your profits.
How about we hop on a call and see how BABO Bookkeeping can get you caught up, organized, and armed to start learning where your money is going?
I would love to not only help with your bookkeeping but also think of me as a partner in learning your business numbers and how you can become more profitable!
I’m here to help!
Tammy -
Mom to two happy lil Yorkies (Buddy & Upton) and I’m a Late in Life Lego Lover…LOL (I actually love all Bricks, mini & knock off Legos….Attempting to build a City)

STACEY LYNN Co-Owner BABO Bookkeeping
Hi! My name is Stacey Lynn. I am a wife, a Mother and a Daughter. I love my fur babies, I am a beginner at kayaking and I love what I call "lazy" cooking. I like to set it and forget it. Be it on the grill, the oven or the air fryer, as long as I do not have to stand and stir for any length of time, I am happy!
I also have a passion for helping others. I enjoy seeing people succeed in whatever they set out to do. Numbers? Yeah, I got you! I love to work with numbers and I am here to help! Which is why BABO Bookkeeping was the perfect answer for me. I have spent my life helping people in their personal lives and it is now time to help you, The Badass Business Owners with their businesses.
Stacey Lynn